Schalko Deddens

Portfolio Manager

About Schalko

Schalko Deddens (1970) has a longstanding experience in the mortgage market since 1998. After starting as a capital market analist at the mortgage department of NIBC, he joined GMAC RFC as a member of the founding group of 8 people, seeking the opportunity to establish a pan-European mortgage platform for GMAC RFC.

"Starting from scratch, his career moved in parallel with the growth of the mortgage portfolios in the Netherlands, Germany, Spain and France, ultimately overseeing EUR 15 billion of assets from a Risk and Reporting perspective."

After 2008, he continued as freelancer, with a primary focus on finance, data and reporting in mortgage lending. Amongst others, he was closely involved in the migration from the former servicing system of Quion to the current QSP platform. Other major projects in which he was involved were the split of the mortgage portfolios of Westland Utrecht Hypotheekbank and Nationale Nederlanden, and the outsourcing of the servicing activities from Westland Utrecht Hypotheekbank to Stater. Schalko joined DMPM in February 2021 as Portfolio Manager.