Investment Solutions

Different objectives require different structural solutions: from tailor-made individual mandates or multi-lender mandates to more fund based structures such as an FGR (fund for joint account).

In addition to defining the type of mortgage exposure that best matches the investment preference of an investor, the structure through which the investment is realised is the second key element in achieving the overall investment objectives of an investor.

Where some investors have the mandate to invest very significant amounts over multiple years, other investors would like their investment to be a one-off investment of more modest size. Certain investors have many years experience in investing in Dutch mortgage exposure and are more comfortable with the riskier end of the Dutch mortgage spectrum, where other investors have a very strong preference for NHG guaranteed exposure. Just to name a few elements that drive the choice for a certain investment structure.

Over the years, DMPM has developed a range of different investment solutions that aim to cover the full spectrum of investor requirements. These investment solutions are a combination of different dimensions and therefore choices that an investor has.

The suite of investment solutions offered by DMPM provides an investor with the opportunity to choose an investment structure that best meets his investment preferences. The investment management services are provided by DMPM in each of the different investment solutions.

  • Investment structures

    Within the investment structures of DMPM an investor can select whether or not the preference is for the mortgage receivables to be directly transferred to the investing entity itself or whether they are retained by a special purpose vehicle funded by the investor.

  • From investment opportunity to implementation

    DMPM is acutely aware that each investor has specific investment objectives and that a one-size-fits-all approach is not appropriate for achieving those objectives. This is the reason why DMPM disposes over different mortgage labels and offers several different investment solutions. To ensure DMPM meets the investment objectives for the full tenor of an investment mandate, we follow a carefully designed process.

  • Alternative / Tailor-made investment solutions

    For those investors with very sizeable investment objectives (> EUR 5bln) a dedicated mandate structure can be set-up, often in combination with a dedicated label or sub-label within the Hypotrust proposition. Such structure and mortgage propostition can be completely tailored to the specific requirements of an individual investor and it is possible to target a specific part of the Dutch market or create a specific type of mortgage proposition.